2 min

Tissue Scarring

Updated: Dec 19, 2022

Tissue scarring can cause disruption, blockage, or congestion to the flow of energy. Scarring or adhesions of the tissue could congest or block various toxins, microbes, and also hold toxic or stress emotions within the cells in the location of the scarring or point of injury.

An anti-scarring protocol assists in releasing blocked or congested pathways caused by trauma, structural stress.

How does this occur?

Just as metals block energy from the body, scars from lacerations, trauma, injury, or contusions will block energy from the body as well. As the area of injury heals, white blood cells and fibroblasts migrate in, fibrin is formed, and a scarring is formed in which layers of connective tissue become stuck together. These layers cannot move freely as they did prior to the trauma. When this occurs, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves become compressed or blocked and does not flow effectively. Electrical meridians are disrupted and become blocked or congested. As a result, proper drainage of toxins does not occur, inflammation and pain, or a disease process will ensue.

An anti-scarring protocol penetrates into the tissues where a contusion or trauma occurred in order to open up lymphatic pathways between the layers of connective tissue. Consequently, the lymphatic vessels can move fluid through the affected tissue, the blood vessels can circulate blood and oxygen to the affected tissue, and energy will flow through the electrical meridians again. As a result, the pool of toxins which had accumulated surrounding the trauma or scarring will escape from the affected areas in order to decrease inflammation and pain.

Myofascial release techniques penetrates deep into the tissues where a surgical site, contusion or trauma occurred in order to break up scarring and adhesions between the layers of connective tissue. Consequently, the lymphatic vessels can move fluid through the affected tissue, the blood vessels can circulate blood and oxygen to the affected tissue, and energy will flow through the electrical meridians again. As a result, the pool of toxins which had accumulated surrounding the trauma or scarring will escape from the affected areas in order to decrease inflammation and pain.

When this fascial release is administered in the midline of the body such as the tailbone, the back, and skull, the formation of scarring to these areas decreases. A scar can occur in between the bony places of the skull plates, causing the skull plates to be stuck together. Thereby, the lymph fluid and blood circulation becomes blocked or congested and traps lymphatic fluid and toxins in the brain from draining and escaping via the lymphatic pathways and the blood vessels. Lymph fluid becomes sluggish and congested, trapping lymphatic fluid and toxins from draining and escaping via the lymphatic pathways and the blood vessels. Scarring therapies facilitates the movement of lymphatic pathways. Lymphatic fluid, blood, and energy pathways can begin flowing to detoxify more effectively and inflammation will decrease. Fascia release

facilitates the movement of lymphatic fluid, blood, and energy pathways so the body can detoxify more effectively. When the pathways are not blocked by scarring, toxins have a pathway to drain, and inflammation will decrease. This type of therapy facilitates increased circulation, and improves muscle and joint discomforts, and postoperative pain.

Source. Julia Schulenburg, BSN, ND, CLT