Helping an individual with ASD is multi-faceted and with very layered histories, of which each event has a contribution to autism. It must be addressed systematically. A detailed and comprehensive assessment is essential. We look at the individual holistically and achieve as much of the contributing layers of history as possible.
A child might have had an event which triggered autistic symptoms. These may include physical events or trauma, displacement, second-hand stressors such as parental traumas or stressors, and any amount of instability in the home or support system or lack thereof in which the child felt helpless.
We assess a history of vaccines and any reactions such as increased irritability/crying, swelling at the site of the vaccine injection, seizure, fevers, gastro-intestinal symptoms (diarrhea, abdominal pain, etc.), regression in development, and other unusual reactions.
We identify family support which is vital and provide dietary education to family.
Dietary guidelines so as not to stimulate fungal overgrowth
Dietary guidelines for children with sulfation or genetic SniPs
Dietary guidelines that avoid inflammatory or sensitizing foods
We provide appropriate methods of detoxification to the most sensitive and complex children.
These methods may include but are not limited to:
Laser Energetic Detoxification & Bio-Energetic Frequency Therapy
Cranial therapies
Lymphatic therapies
Oxygen therapies
Food sensitivity assessments
Nutraceuticals and homeopathics
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