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Allergies & Food Sensitivities

Updated: Aug 10, 2023

“All disease begins in the gut.” ― Hippocrates


We implement appropriate detoxification methods for environmental sensitivities and allergies. Herbals, homeopathics, or bioenergetic therapies help relieve symptoms associated with allergies and food sensitivities. Food sensitivities may be associated with complaints of fatigue, abdominal discomfort, bloating, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting, depression, anxiety/panic attacks, brain fog, dizziness, passing out, rash, itching, runny nose, nasal congestion, belching, gassiness, bitter or sour taste in the mouth, burning in the chest area, arrhythmias, wheezing, asthma.

We use the Galvanic skin response testing with the Zyto system which assesses autonomic nervous system stress response in order to gather specific data. This form of bio-energetic testing indicates the nervous system’s reaction to different informational frequency stressors, be it allergens to inhalants or other “sensitivities”, toxins, microbes and various other physical and emotional factors. The bio-energetic food sensitivity screening with the Zyto may miss a very small percentage of food sensitivities but has an approximate 85% rate of accuracy.

The quantum galvanic skin response is an effective tool to determine food sensitivities (those foods causing an autonomic stress reaction in the body). The most commonly used blood test for food allergens is the IgG-4. This IgG-4 screening does not test for acute anaphylactic nor certain delayed reactions to foods, which might cause a physiological inflammatory response in some people. Most people being conventionally tested for food allergies do not get tested for food allergy reactions associated with IgG-1, IgG-2, IgG-3, IgA, IgD, IgE nor cell-mediated reactions, which would provide much more data than the IgG-4 test alone. Two tests that do measure a larger number of reactions are the Enzyme-linked Immuno-Sorbent Assay (ELISA) test and the Food Immune Complex Assay (FICA) test. Both offer the convenience and accuracy of measuring some of these other types of allergy reactions, while costing significantly less than RAST and skin prick tests, which test only for IgE reactions.

Most all allergy tests are associated with some degree of error. Even ELISA and FICA tests are no better than about 85% accurate. False positives and missed allergic foods are a common occurrence on most tests, so the gold standard for uncovering allergen sensitivities is the two-week elimination diet with Coca pulse testing.

As an adjunct form of testing, we may use autonomic response testing or applied kinesiology to find and prioritize stressed organs and structures, emotional blocks, heavy metal toxicity and other related problems and prioritize appropriate therapies to relieve the histamine response from environmental allergens or food sensitivities.


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