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  • CANCER - Disease or Solution?

    "A Merry Heart Doeth Good Like A Medicine" - Proverbs A cancer cell is a normal, healthy cell that has undergone genetic mutation to the point that it can live in an anaerobic surrounding (an environment where oxygen is not available). In other words, if you deprive a group of cells of vital oxygen (their primary source of energy), some of them will die, but others will manage to alter their genetic software program and mutate in a most ingenious way: the cells will be able to live without oxygen and derive some of their energy needs from such things as cellular metabolic waste products. Cancer occurs after other defenses or healing mechanisms in the body have failed. In extreme circumstances, exposure to large amounts of cancer-producing agents (carcinogens) can bring about a collapse of the body's defenses rapidly which allows for rapid and aggressive growth of a cancerous tumor. But usually it takes many years, or decades for "malignant" tumors to form. We deal with the root causes of cancer. Cancer indicates that there is something missing in our body and probably in life as a whole – spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically. An effective plan of care for cancer is achievable when the causes of excessive growth of cancer cells have been removed or stopped. Effective treatment for cancer requires the patient to become whole again on all levels of his spirit, soul, body. Therefore, a thorough exploration of the spirit-soul-body and its relationship to cancer provides a more effective plan of care for an individual diagnosed with cancer. Spiritual health plays an important role in cancer as does physical and emotional health. How do we support the individual's spirit-soul-body? Spiritual: Explore an individual's belief systems and perception of the “word” cancer. Discover their belief or unbelief in a higher power source which affects their level of mental and emotional stress. Uncover subconscious beliefs that could be contributing to illness. Mental-Emotional: Explore the state of their emotions and mental health. We explore the root causes and identify whether the individual may either live life in a nourishing and self-sustaining way or in a destructive and debilitating way. Toxic emotions might be resentment, anger, and fear. Constant conflicts, guilt, shame, self-deprecation can paralyze the body's basic functions and lead to the growth of cancer. Assist the individual to unveil unresolved conflicts that are stuck in the deep recesses of the mind. Some of them are inherited and thereby unconscious and imbedded in the cell memory. Identify if the individual feels burdened by some poor self-image, unresolved conflict and worries, or past emotional trauma that still lingers in his/her subconscious. Cancer, the physical disease, cannot occur unless there is a strong undercurrent of emotional uneasiness and deep-seated frustration. Cancer patients typically suffer from lack of self-respect or worthiness, and often have unresolved conflicts or "unfinished business". Cancer can actually be a way of revealing the source of such inner conflict. Some people, under severe temporary stress make more cancer cells than usual and form clusters of cancerous cells that disappear again once they feel better. Secretions of the DNA's anticancer drug, Interleukin II, drop under physical and mental duress and increase again when relaxed and joyful. Thereby, could many cancers vanish without any form of medical intervention and without causing any real harm? This is a question to consider. Physical: Physical toxins accumulate with a harmful life-style of eating fast foods with chemical additives and artificial sweeteners, or drinking polluted water. The cause of the death of healthy cell tissue results from the continued deprivation of nutrients and happy emotions. The drastic reduction or shutdown of vital nutrient supplies to the cells of an organ is not just a consequence of cancer, but actually its biggest cause. Pathogens or myco-bacterial feces can get into the tissues and produce enough toxic debris that the cells of the tissues transform into cancerous tumors. Treatments like chemotherapy and radiation destroy many cancerous cells, but they also destroy healthy cells, damaging entire organs and systems in the body. Cures for cancer should not occur at the expense of destroying other vital parts of the body. We can use scanning devices such as the zyto to collect data for toxic overload and food sensitivities and the thermogram to identify stressed or inflamed organs and tissues. Labwork and allopathic diagnostic scans are helpful. We implement methods to clear the body of toxins, carcinogenic substances, and metabolic waste from the lymph and blood with specific detoxification therapies, nutritional support, dietary guidelines, lymphatic therapies, and psyche-emotional therapies.. Some exceptional psyche-emotional therapies are prayer, art therapy, EVOX, a form of sound therapy and Recall Healing, a German New Medicine developed by Ryke Hamer, MD. These therapies help to uncover and release sub-conscious blocks and conflicts contributing to illness. The goal is to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins and waste products, and to help clear the individual of toxic beliefs, toxic thought patterns, and toxic emotions. “It's more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has.” - Hippocrates Questions we might ask ourselves and ask the individual: · What is the spiritual journey and lesson behind cancer? · Will cancer help restore balance to your life? Or is cancer a death sentence and cause severe trauma and suffering? We see it as a matter of perspective. · Do you believe cancer is a disease? Or is cancer a mechanism of survival to bring to surface an unresolved conflict? · If cancer is a survival mechanism, what needs to be done to prevent the body from taking recourse to such drastic defense measures? - What roles do fear, frustration, low self-worth and repressed anger play in the origination and outcome of cancer? · What reasons coerce your body into developing cancer cells? · What determines the type and severity of cancer with which you are afflicted? · Why would the body permit self-destruction? · Why do many cancers disappear by themselves without medical intervention? · Do radiation, chemotherapy and surgery actually cure cancer, or do cancer survivors heal due to other reasons, despite these radical, side-effect-loaded treatments? If cancer is a healing attempt by the body for the body. Blocking this healing attempt can destroy the body. Let us support the individual holistically in spirit-soul-body. Adapted from: "Cancer is not a Disease - It's a Survival Mechanism" by Andreas Moritz “Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation” ( The German New Medicine by Ryke Hamer, MD "Pyramid of Health" by Gilbert Renaud, PhD "The Biology of Belief" by Bruce Lipton, PhD

  • Art & Music Therapy

    “The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.” - Pablo Picasso “It is the special province of music to move the heart.” - Johann Sebastian Bach Through the expression of art and music, people experience hope and healing for themselves and for others. Studies have shown that art heals by changing a person's physiology and attitude. Art and music change the body's physiology from stress and fear to relaxation and inspiration. Art and music affect a person's brain wave patterns, hormonal balance, neurotransmitters, autonomic nervous system, sympathetic nervous system, immune system and blood flow to organs. Neuro-physiologists have found that art, music, sound, tones, dance, prayer, and healing are associated with similar brain wave patterns and mind body changes, which are deeply connected in feeling and meaning. Art and music change a person's perceptions and outlook on life, attitude, emotional state and help people with life challenges. Artistic expression can be a means of personal transformation, physical, emotional and spiritual healing. “Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.” - Thomas Merton “Without art, the crudeness of reality would make the world unbearable.” - George Bernard Shaw “Art is not a handicraft, but the transmission of feeling the artist has experienced.” - Leo Tolstoy "Parting of the Sea"

  • Optimal Lifestyle Suggestions

    "Walking is man's best medicine" - Hippocrates Note: These are basic suggestions for the general population. Water: Drink purified room temperature water - 50 ounces of water for every 100 lbs of body weight over 24 hours is recommended. Water filters are recommended. Choose quality water filters such as Epic pure or nano filters, Aquasana, Clearly filtered, Mercola, or a reputable reverse osmosis systems. If you purchase bottled water, favorite bottled waters are Icelandic, Rainfresh, Poland Spring Origin, Italian Still, Pellegrino, Central Market sparkling. Avoid bottled water in thin “crunchy” plastics because they leach higher contents of phthalates and other chemicals into the water Sunshine:  If weather permits, absorb 15-20min of sunlight to skin every day without sunscreen to >50% of uncovered skin surface to absorb natural Vitamin D. Supplement with Vitamin D3 when you are not absorbing natural sunlight. Quality Vitamin D3 supplements are available from Cooking utensils:  Ceramic cookware is ideal. Glass cookware and the heavier stainless steel such as 360 cookware, and an occasional use of cast iron skillets are acceptable. Avoid cooking with plastic, aluminum, Teflon, and Silverstone non-stick cookware. More health tips: Exercise at 2-4x weekly as tolerated. Remove metal jewelry from the body at bedtime. Do NOT charge a cell phone by your bed. Place the cell phone on airplane mode if it is not needed during the night, or place the phone in an EMF faraday bag. Turn off the wi-fi while you are sleeping or least place an EMF cover over your wi-fi unit. You may plug it into a wall-timer so it automatically switches off when you go to bed and back on when you need it. A VitaSet Generator (VSG) helps mitigate harmful affects of electro-pollution and high frequency electro-magnetic fields (EMF) that stresses the body and the brain. Send a request to Women - wear non-underwire bras. Implement oil pulling oral hygiene every morning. Refer to article on "Oil Pulling". Avoid personal care products for the teeth, hair, and skin that contain sodium lauryl sulfates (SLS), fluoride, aluminum, mineral oil, lead, petroleum, to name a few.

  • Voice Mapping - Sound Healing

    Trauma is stored in the body and the subconscious. This trauma influences a persons impulses and personalities, fears and addictions, negative thoughts and emotions. Voice mapping is a form of cognitive biofeedback using sound frequencies to release the traumas that have been stored in the cells of the body and the subconscious. Voice mapping was developed by Calvin Young, who based his work on the research of early sound healers such as Alfred Tomatis and Edwards. Using a technology called the EVOX helps facilitate this voice mapping. A combination of sounds in the voice are recorded, analyzed and then sound frequencies are fed back to the person. The sound frequencies from the person's voice are influenced by buried memories, mental and emotional stressors. These frequencies stimulate and then balance a relevant memory and muscle connection which affects the sound frequencies coming from the vocal chords. Voice Mapping analyzes the sound frequencies in a person’s voice for missing frequencies which correlate to blocked or unacknowledged emotions related to a certain person, event, or task. Missing sound frequencies from the voice are identified and played back to the person. These sound frequencies facilitate subconscious releases in the brain that trigger certain responses in behavior and in the physical body and can thereby be helpful in fighting chronic health or behavior problems. Toxic emotions bind chemicals and toxins in the body and inhibit, to a degree, the release of these toxins through the body’s natural detoxification pathways. Thereby, when emotional blocks are released, the body’s cells, tissues, and organs function more optimally. Early in life we subconsciously create complex mechanisms to protect us from early traumatic and stressful experiences. These subconscious mechanisms function as coping skills that help us endure and survive difficult events and chronically painful conditions throughout our lives. If the brain is storing a memory connected to stress and trauma, that memory may be causing an imbalance in the body. That imbalance is a contributing factor to current behavioral, emotional, and physical challenges. During this biofeedback process, you may recall forgotten memories, experience strong emotional releases, and realize insights that can help you break free of rigid thinking, unresolved grief, anger, or other buried emotions that keep you stuck in repetitive life patterns or illness. Working with the frequencies in a person’s voice, the EVOX is a highly effective biofeedback process, helping to change negative beliefs and attitudes about oneself, others, events, and also helps to quickly resolve anger, phobias, grief, etc. The EVOX is a tool to facilitate the release of emotional and mental blocks and is also beneficial for students and athletes who are looking to overcome specific challenges and improve performance.


    “If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health.” ― Hippocrates ***These are suggestions for the general population. Seek the advice of your practitioner for specific dietary needs and health challenges. Enzyme rich foods: Papaya, pineapple, kimchi, sauerkraut or other fermented vegetables, Kiwi, blueberries, avocado, mango, green vegetables, bitter vegetables such as arugula, brussel sprouts, dandelion, kale, endive; Banana, mango, papaya, and grapes are to be eaten in moderation since they are higher in fructose. Green Juice Drinks Choose 3 or more of the following ingredients to run through a Juicer. Kale – lacinto, green, red Mustard greens, collard greens, green chard, rainbow chard, dandelion greens Spinach, Parsley, Cilantro, Celery, Cucumber, bok choy, etc. Red beets in moderation Carrots in moderation Fruits suggestions: pineapple, granny smith apple, lemon, lime, kiwi, berries, mango, papaya, peach, avocado These are suggestions for green drinks. 3/4 of the ingredients are greens approximately and 1/4 of the ingredients are fruits. Beets and carrots are in moderation. They contain more grams of fructose than green vegetables. Add water to dilute as desired. Be Creative! Just remember to use a ratio of more greens than fruits! Smoothies: Make a smoothie simply by adding 1 or more of the following ingredients into your green drink: almond milk, hemp milk, hemp seeds, chia seeds, flax seeds, sprouted seeds, sesame seeds, avocado, only 1/4 banana to thicken Optional: 1 TBSP powdered protein or collagen powder of choice for additional protein Quality supplemental protein and collagen powder is available from Optional: grated/shaved ice, whole leaf stevia or honey to taste Be creative! Almond Milk 1 Cup Almonds (Soak 24 hours and blend thoroughly into a puree with water until smooth Lemon Ginger Drink 1 peeled lemon 1 Apple 1 finger fresh ginger 1 cucumber as desired 1 bunch celery 1 bunch cilantro 1 bunch parsley 1 bunch fresh mint Juice all ingredients and add water to dilute as desired Sore Throat Hot Tea 1 chopped lemon with rind 1-2 fingers of freshly chopped ginger 1 tsp of honey to taste (manuka or raw local) Place ingredients in a mug and pour boiled water over ingredients and let it simmer. Sip this hot lemon-ginger tea slowly throughout the day for a sore throat. You may make this several times per day. ***Contact your practitioner as needed

  • Chromotherapy

    The Center for Holistic Healing incorporates color into many of our protocols. COLOR Therapy has long been shown to relax the frontal lobe of the brain where a person’s emotions are primarily housed. COLOR Therapy using colored therapy glasses or colored LED lights helps ‘loosen’ resistant emotions within a persons psyche and relax the nervous system that tends to grasp hold of specific toxins. Some toxins become resistant to mobilizing out of cells so it becomes difficult for the body to excrete them through its primary detoxification organs. This makes color therapy useful when used simultaneously with other detoxification protocols. COLOR carries specific frequencies or wave lengths that trigger a response in the brain, nervous system and other organs in the body. Color and body correlations include but are not limited to: BLUE - central nervous system and sympathetic nervous system, thyroid, pineal, head region; calming, cooling, inflammation, throat chakra 5 VIOLET and PURPLE - pineal-pituitary glands, the brain and eyes; chakras 6 and 7 INDIGO - neck, mouth, nose, and teeth; emotional expression TURQUOISE - lungs and thymus, trachea and esophagus, chakra 5 GREEN – liver, gallbladder meridians, the tonsils and lymphatics, heart and spleen, pituitary, thymus, muscular system, heart, lungs, breasts, upper extremities; swelling, edema, drainage, decongestion, inflammation, heart chakra 4 YELLOW-ORANGE - pancreas, stomach, intestines, bones, joints; production of melatonin, a sleep hormone; solar plexus chakra 3 YELLOW - kidneys and bladder, pancreas, adrenals, solar plexus chakra 3 RED - blood, reproductive organs, small intestines and bladder, adrenals, sensory nervous systems (sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell), circulation, immune system, lower extremities, skin; burns, root chakra 1 MAGENTA – heart AMBER – lymphatics, pancreas, digestion, liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, intestines, solar plexus chakra 3

  • Your Body’s Internal Environment

    Analogy reference. Wm. Lee Cowden MD The chronically ill human body is like a bathtub full of dirty water full of toxins and/or pathogens overflowing out of the tub. All the dirty water overflowing out of the bathtub represents symptoms of disease. At the top of the bathtub there is a faucet running dirty water into the bathtub. These dirty water faucets represent polluted inhaled air, nutrient-depleted foods eaten (that are toxic from steroids, pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, heavy metals, partially hydrogenated oils, etc.), toxic heavy metals, toxic relationships, toxic conscious and sub-conscious emotions, electro-magnetic pollution, radioactive substances, etc. There is also a faucet running clean water into the bathtub. This faucet can either be completely turned off or barely dripping into the tub. All the drains at the bottom of the bathtub (representing the detox mechanisms of the bowel, liver, kidney, lymph) are plugged up, preventing the dirty water from draining out of the bathtub. The clean water faucet represents fresh air, purified water, good foods and vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other nutrients, sunshine, exercise, relaxation, good relationships, peace, joy, love, the will to live and a purpose in life. In order to stop the dirty water from overflowing, and to progressively lower the level of dirty water in the bathtub, one must open up the drains at the bottom of the bathtub by enhancing the detox mechanisms of the body and turn down or off as many of the dirty water faucets as possible while, at the same time, opening wide the clean water faucets at the top of the bathtub. In doing these things, not only does the level of the dirty water go down, but the water becomes cleaner and cleaner so that, eventually, the bottom of the bathtub can be seen. This analogy represents complete wellness, not just the absence of symptoms. Our plan of care considers the spiritual well-being, mental- emotional and physical well-being of the individual. Naturopathic modalities include but are not limited to, education and counseling on foods, exercise, non-medical physical therapies such as lymphatic therapy, bodywork, sound, light, electro-magnetic and bio-energetic therapies. Beneficial supplementation and homeopathic preparations are included in a plan of care to help stimulate, promote, and maintain the individual’s whole body function and its self-healing processes. Our plan of care considers the spiritual well-being, mental-emotional and physical well-being of the individual. Naturopathic modalities include but is not limited to, education and counseling on foods, exercise, non-medical physical therapies such as lymphatic therapy, non-manipulative bodywork, sound, light, electro-magnetic and bio-energetic therapies. Included are beneficial supplementation and homeopathic preparations to help stimulate, promote, and maintain the individual’s whole-body function and its self-healing processes.

  • Tissue Scarring

    Tissue scarring can cause disruption, blockage, or congestion to the flow of energy. Scarring or adhesions of the tissue could congest or block various toxins, microbes, and also hold toxic or stress emotions within the cells in the location of the scarring or point of injury. An anti-scarring protocol assists in releasing blocked or congested pathways caused by trauma, structural stress. How does this occur? Just as metals block energy from the body, scars from lacerations, trauma, injury, or contusions will block energy from the body as well. As the area of injury heals, white blood cells and fibroblasts migrate in, fibrin is formed, and a scarring is formed in which layers of connective tissue become stuck together. These layers cannot move freely as they did prior to the trauma. When this occurs, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves become compressed or blocked and does not flow effectively. Electrical meridians are disrupted and become blocked or congested. As a result, proper drainage of toxins does not occur, inflammation and pain, or a disease process will ensue. An anti-scarring protocol penetrates into the tissues where a contusion or trauma occurred in order to open up lymphatic pathways between the layers of connective tissue. Consequently, the lymphatic vessels can move fluid through the affected tissue, the blood vessels can circulate blood and oxygen to the affected tissue, and energy will flow through the electrical meridians again. As a result, the pool of toxins which had accumulated surrounding the trauma or scarring will escape from the affected areas in order to decrease inflammation and pain. Myofascial release techniques penetrates deep into the tissues where a surgical site, contusion or trauma occurred in order to break up scarring and adhesions between the layers of connective tissue. Consequently, the lymphatic vessels can move fluid through the affected tissue, the blood vessels can circulate blood and oxygen to the affected tissue, and energy will flow through the electrical meridians again. As a result, the pool of toxins which had accumulated surrounding the trauma or scarring will escape from the affected areas in order to decrease inflammation and pain. When this fascial release is administered in the midline of the body such as the tailbone, the back, and skull, the formation of scarring to these areas decreases. A scar can occur in between the bony places of the skull plates, causing the skull plates to be stuck together. Thereby, the lymph fluid and blood circulation becomes blocked or congested and traps lymphatic fluid and toxins in the brain from draining and escaping via the lymphatic pathways and the blood vessels. Lymph fluid becomes sluggish and congested, trapping lymphatic fluid and toxins from draining and escaping via the lymphatic pathways and the blood vessels. Scarring therapies facilitates the movement of lymphatic pathways. Lymphatic fluid, blood, and energy pathways can begin flowing to detoxify more effectively and inflammation will decrease. Fascia release facilitates the movement of lymphatic fluid, blood, and energy pathways so the body can detoxify more effectively. When the pathways are not blocked by scarring, toxins have a pathway to drain, and inflammation will decrease. This type of therapy facilitates increased circulation, and improves muscle and joint discomforts, and postoperative pain. Source. Julia Schulenburg, BSN, ND, CLT

  • Stress Reduction

    “If you are in a bad mood go for a walk.If you are still in a bad mood go for another walk.” ― Hippocrates This stress reduction technique helps decrease high levels of anxiety and decreases the irritability of the sympathetic nervous system. It also stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, helps release bile in the gallbladder and release digestive enzymes in the pancreas. Sit or lie in a comfortable position. Relax. Roll your head a few times to relax the muscles in your neck. Gently hold left thumb and index finger pads together with the palm of your right hand. (Right palm over two left fingers) Breathe deeply – in through the nose, slowly, and imagine air filling you all through your body and down to the feet. Then exhale out through your mouth, slowly. Repeat this 7-10 times. Imagine in your mind a peaceful place that you have been to – ie. a vacation spot, a wonderful childhood memory, ocean side, beach, mountains. “Remember” that place with all of your senses. See the surroundings. Hear the sounds. Feel, Smell and Touch it with your imagination. For example, See and Hear the ocean and the sand and wildlife. Feel the sand through your toes as you walk, and the warm sun rays touching your body, and the breeze blowing through your hair. Smell the ocean air, and taste the salt water on your tongue. Focus on this memory and hold it in your mind for 3-10 minutes. If you practice this 3-4 times a day (before meals and before bed), you will greatly reduce your emotional stress during the day and you will also be able to sleep better and longer at night. Practicing this technique on a regular basis will allow you to be able to recall it more easily so that you can utilize it at any given time when you may find yourself in a stressful situation. Find a quiet moment anywhere and anytime throughout your day to get into a relaxed frame of mind. Adapted from Wm. Lee Cowden, MD


    The ingredient called “fragrance,” or “parfum” or “scent,” is found in many perfumes, face creams, common hand sanitizer, and hair products (and even many household cleaners). These “fragrances” contain many harsh chemicals. In some perfumes, up to 95% of ingredients are synthetic. Toxic ingredients include acetone, benzaldehyde, benzyl acetate, benzyl alcohol, camphor, ethanol, ethyl acetate, limonene, linalool, methylene chloride as well as phthalates, stearates, and parabens. Sodium Lauryl Sulfates or Sodium Laureth Sulfates (SLS’s):  This is used as surfactants found in hair products, toothpastes, skin products, dishwashing soap, many lathering soaps, car wash soaps, garage floor cleaners, engine degreasers. It causes the body to absorb nitrates at higher levels than eating nitrate contaminated foods. Petroleum by-products:  This potentially carcinogenic substance is also known as mineral oil, petrolatum, liquid paraffin, toluene, xylene, found in shampoos and soaps. Mineral Oil:  Baby oil contains mineral oil, a petroleum ingredient that coats the skin like plastic wrap.  The skin’s natural immune barrier is disrupted as this plastic coating inhibits its ability to breathe and absorb natural moisture and nutrition.  The skin’s ability to release toxins is impeded, which can promote acne and other skin disorders. This decreases the normal cell development of the skin, causing the skin to age prematurely. Other chemicals found in personal care products: Isopropyl alcohol and Parabens: DEA(diethanolamine)  MEA(monoethanolamine) TEA(triethanolamine):  These ingredients are usually listed with names such as Coco Amide DEA or MEA, Lauramide DEA, etc. PEG:  This is an abbreviation for polyethylene glycol Propylene Glycol (PG), Ethylene Glycol: This is a surfactant or wetting agent, and solvent used in industrial antifreeze, brake fluid and hydraulic fluid. Listerine Breath Strips. FD&C Color Pigments Fluoride: A neurotoxin in high doses or chronic use. Chlorine:The fumes from chlorine contains chloroform. Fragrance:  Chemicals that contain toxic, volatile organic compounds Nanoparticles:  Extremely small particles that penetrates cell walls, found in lotions, moisturizers, make-up, sunscreen. Formaldehyde:  This chemical is a carcinogen, found in nail polish, bath products, and some over the counter products.  It is a strong disinfectant and preservative. Imidazolidinyl Urea and DMDM Hydantoin:  These are preservatives that release formaldehyde (formaldehyde donors). Benzene, Xylene,Toluene: These are poisonous hydrocarbons obtained from coal tar or petroleum.  They are used in making dyes, detergents, nail polish and polish remover, and solvent-based adhesives used in homes. They are also used in the formica industry, home pesticides, solvents, antiseptics. Phthalates:  Found in plastics and some fragrances and is linked to sperm damage and poor reproductive outcomes in humans. Phthalate exposure is has been linked to lower IQ in children whose mothers were exposed during pregnancy. Styrene: This organic compound has a sweet scent at lower concentrations, so it’s very commonly used in fragrances. However, it increases the risk of cancer in humans. Triclosan: It is found in anti-bacterial soaps and similar products. Lead:  This is found in several brands of lipstick and hair coloring kits. Mercury:  This is sometimes listed as thimerosol, and can be found in some cosmetics such as mascara. Methylene chloride: This chemical was used for many years as industrial paint thinner. It is still used in food processing and can be found in fragrances. References: Committee of Science and Technology. Environmental Working Group (EWG) and the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics Consumers Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients American College of Toxicology Natural Moisture Factor Material Safety Data Sheets “Dangerous Beauty” by Mark Fearer – on SLS’s “Is This Your Child’s World?” by Doris J Rapp, MD - on chlorine Dr Samuel Epstein, Professor of the Environmental health at the University of Illinois – on DEA, MEA, TEA “Home Safe Home” by Debra Lynn Dudd – on FD&C color pigments Mayo Clinic – on Imidazolidinyl Urea and DMDM Hydantoin – product safety ratings – research on individual ingredients

  • Saliva pH Balancing

    When your pH (acid/alkaline balance) is consistently outside of normal range, disease always develops. Some possible diseases that might occur from this imbalance are mental disturbances, sluggish metabolism, overgrowth of bacteria or fungus in the body, or cancer. This pH balancing can usually be done totally through the adjustment of your diet. For most people, the pH of saliva just before meals (and at least 4 hours after the last food, nutrient, or juice intake) should be about 6.8. This must be tested with pH paper that ranges from 5.5 to 8.0 for accurate results. If there are a lot of bacteria in the mouth (which produce organic acids), the pH may appear lower than it really is. In this case, do the following before testing: a. Brush the teeth thoroughly with salt as an abrasive. b. Thoroughly rinse the mouth with 1% hydrogen peroxide. (Mix 1 part hydrogen peroxide with 2 parts water.) Do not swallow hydrogen peroxide mixture. c. Thoroughly rinse the mouth with water and spit all of the water out. d. Test the saliva pH 30 to 45 minutes after the last mouth rinsing. The saliva measurement should be done on the fourth spit. Spit into the sink or trash three times and spit the fourth time onto the pH paper. Be careful not to touch with your fingers the end of the paper upon which you spit as this could alter the results. A pH below 6.6 is too acidic, and a pH above 7.0 is too alkaline for ideal health. To perform the following test (noted in this paragraph only), you must have an empty stomach and omit all homeopathics and supplements until this test is over. After testing your pH, then eat a non-allergenic fruit, and retest your saliva pH one hour later. This will help you determine whether you need to eat more fruits and vegetables or more fish, chicken, turkey, healthy oils, nuts, seeds. If the results move further out of range after eating the fruit, then eat a piece of meat and retest your pH 4 hours later. If it has now come into balance, this will signify that you require more animal-source protein (or nuts, seeds and oils plus L-tyrosine and L-phenylalamine) in your diet. Once basic dietary changes have been determined by this technique, you should measure your pH before breakfast and supper and 4 hours after each of these meals each day for at least four consecutive days. During these four or more days, record all your pH measurements and the times they were taken in a diary, along with the time of consumption and amounts and types of all foods and drinks consumed. Once you have your dietary needs adjusted to keep your pH between 6.6-7.0, and then continue to check your pH four times a day only one day a week so that you are sure that you are maintaining the proper balance. After you are symptom-free, you may check your pH one day per month to assure that you are maintaining the proper balance. Remember that food allergens can cause tissue and saliva acidity. Some people who are initially vegetarian by nature and sympathetic in metabolic type, if exposed to protracted physical and/or emotional stress, can exhaust their adrenal glands and change to a type of metabolism that requires more meat (or more nuts, seeds, oils, tyrosine and/or phenylalamine). Those who require fish or meat for their metabolic type would be wise to not eat raw or excessively well-done fish or meat because undercooked meat and fish increases the risk of parasitism, and overcooked fish increases the risk of cancer. When consuming meat or fish, is it advisable to take one plant-source digestive enzyme (like Plantzyme) at the middle and at the end of each meal. If you cannot balance your pH in one or two weeks, it is important that you discuss the information that you have recorded with your Doctor. Adapted from Wm. Lee Cowden, MD

  • Oil Pulling - “Swish and Spit”

    As we sleep, fat soluble toxins are mobilized into the blood stream. One way to assist the body in removing these toxins is by oil pulling. Any of the following oils may be alternated with coconut oil. Purchase an organic, healthy oil such as coconut oil, olive oil, almond oil, walnut oil, grape seed oil, macadamia nut oil or sunflower seed oil. First thing upon rising before brushing your teeth or drinking liquids, put approximately 1 tablespoon of the healthy oil in your mouth and swish for about 15 minutes. Then spit the oil out in the trash or down the garbage disposal while holding your breath so you do not inhale the toxins coming out of your spit. Fat soluble toxins that accumulated in your mouth during the night will bind to the healthy oil that you spit out. This oil pulling, “swish and spit”, protocol also works well as a mild detoxification therapy immediately after or during the last 5 minutes of a heated sauna or immediately after a rigorous exercise routine before the body has fully cooled down.

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