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  • EMF/EMR -Toxic Electromagnetic Radiation Stress

    Electro-Pollution, man-made Electro-Magnetic Fields (EMF's), increase neurotoxin production and have a major impact on the immune system. Electromagnetic Sensitivity has increased due to exposure to cell phones and other high EMF/EMR sources displaying an increased risk for disease, brain and neurological disorders. Scientists, public health physicians, environmentalists, and other organizations have published articles on the harmful effects to humanity and the plant and animal population. Sources of EMF – Cell phones, wi-fi, big screen TV’s, computers, Digital clocks, power lines, smart meters, XRays, CT scans, Airport scanners (equivalent to an exponential number of xrays), 4G and 5G networks, satellites, and more. What are some practical solutions to mitigate the harmful effects of EMF/EMR on our body systems? Replace cordless phones with hard-wired phones in the home Plug modem into a timer so it automatically turns off at bedtime and turns on the next day. Or replace wi-fi with hard-wired internet Keep cell phones away from your bed at night and put on airplane mode or place the phone in an EMF safe faraday bag or fabric at night if cannot be on airplane mode. Do not use cell phones near the head, but use speaker phone or ear buds with EMF absorbing protection. Use cell phone and computer EMF absorbers or an EMF safe cover. Replace fluorescent lighting and LED lights in your home and office with full spectrum light bulbs or halogen light bulbs Minimize the use of microwaves Inquire about a VitaSet Generator (VSG) to mitigate the harmful effects of EMF to the brain. A VitaSet Generator (VSG) emulates the natural rhythms of the earth that all healthy life needs. This emits Schumann frequencies which are the natural rhythms from the earth that disrupts the harmful electromagnetic radiation in the environment. Contact to inquire about the VSG. Shungite or other mineral stones for home, office, and bedside are beneficial to the electrical system in the body to mitigate some of the harmful effects of EMF For high sensitivities to EMF, sleep in an EMF-shielding sleeping bag at night and order EMF-shielding or an EMF-shielding bed canopy. link: Sources of harmful EMF contributes to irritability to our nervous system, electrical systems and contributes to inflammation. On the contrary, trees and the ground emit frequencies that is calming to our central nervous systems. High levels of EMF have harmful biological effects to humans and animals. Science has shown that it contributes to unhealthy changes to the DNA, cancer, infertility, vision and hearing loss, burning and buzzing sensations, cardiac and neuro-psychiatric effects, and increase in other disease. Our DNA stores sunlight which are healthy frequency waves. This would also mean that our cells can store unhealthy electromagnetic frequencies and memories from our external environment that affect our genetics and biochemical processes. Could this chronic, harmful exposure be contributing to the dysfunction in our DNA? What happens to our DNA when it is chronically exposed to dirty electricity from the exponentially increasing EMF from satellites, 5G networks, cell towers, wi-fi, power lines, droids, computers and other electronics? There have been reports that unhealthy changes in the DNA and dysfunctional expression of DNA occurs from this external stimulus. Our DNA, RNA, and exosomes are also influenced by psyche-emotional stressors, unhealthy belief systems, toxins, traumas, pathogens. These stressors can be removed with healthier lifestyle choices and belief systems. Thereby, if our DNA stores healthy frequency waves from sunlight, nature, healthy beliefs full of promises, and happy emotions, it can also store unhealthy frequencies and memories from a toxic environment and toxic thoughts and emotions. This would influence the expression of a persons genetics, which is the idea of epi-genetics and gene-expression based upon the external and internal environment. References: Jiang, Jingjing. "How Teens and Parents Navigate Screen Time and Device Distractions." Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech. November 30, 2018. Accessed April 22, 2019. Kheifets, L., Repacholi, M., Saunders, R., & van Deventer, E. (2005). The sensitivity of children to electromagnetic fields. Pediatrics, 116(2), 303-313. Retrieved from Rosenberg, Suzanne. "Cell Phones and Children: Follow the Precautionary Road." CNE, Pediatric Nursing (March-April 2013); 39(2): 65-70; Morgan, L. Llyod. "Why Children Absorb More Microwave Radiation than Adults." Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine30, no. 3 (2013): 270. doi:10.5835/jecm.omu.30.03.016 Christ, Andreas, Marie-Christine Gosselin, Maria Christopoulou, Sven Kühn, and Niels Kuster. "Age-dependent Tissue-specific Exposure of Cell Phone Users." Physics in Medicine and Biology55, no. 7 (2010): 1767-783. doi:10.1088/0031-9155/55/7/001 Johansson, Olle. "Disturbance of the Immune System by Electromagnetic Fields—A Potentially Underlying Cause for Cellular Damage and Tissue Repair Reduction Which Could Lead to Disease and Impairment." Pathophysiology16, no. 2-3 (August 2009): 157-77. doi:10.1016/j.pathophys.2009.03.004 "Data and Statistics on Children's Mental Health | CDC." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed April 22, 2019. "Gray Matters: Too Much Screen Time Damages the Brain." Psychology Today. February 27, 2014. Accessed April 22, 2019. "Quotes from Experts." July 18, 2010. Accessed April 22, 2019.

  • Diet Affects Emotions

    Some diets can have a profound effect on the emotions and contribute to depression, anxiety, irritability, add/adhd-like symptoms, and other emotional and mental imbalances. Foods that cause an acidic pH of the tissues contribute to these imbalances. The tissue pH can be determined by measuring the saliva pH. The most common acid causing foods and drinks are sugars, red meats, breads, processed and artificially flavored foods and drinks. William Donald Kelly, DDS, and William Wolcott, wrote The Metabolic Typing Diet which describes the different metabolic types an individual can have that influence their tissue pH and various chronic illnesses, depending on which specific diet they consume. Dr. D’Adamo’s book Eat Right 4 Your Type or Joseph Christiano’s book Blood Type, Body Type, and You, both describe the impact of food lectins on health and chronic illness, including psychiatric illness. Food lectins cause a clumping of red blood cells inside blood vessels, which impairs oxygen delivery to tissues, and therefore tissue and brain metabolism. A person who consumes a food that causes an imbalance in their metabolism or is sensitizing for them will have chemical reactions between lectins on their blood cells and lectins on their food. Severe food allergies can also cause inflammation in the brains of some individuals, which contributes to emotional imbalance.


    “Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination nor both together go to the making of genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius.” ― Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart CHOCOLATE: Nuts into blender with purified water to make a nutmilk soup Pour into double boiler Pour unsweetened dark cooking cocoa Add 5-15 drops stevia liquid(nutramedix) or Lo han extract for sweetener to taste Pour into a glass dish Place in freezer Cut into squares and Place frozen chocolate squares on top of wax paper for storage in a ziplock bag back in freezer for storage. For low-carb, low sugar recipes, watch "Know the Cause" on TV with Doug Kaufmann or goto his link for recipes

  • Bio-Energetic Frequency Therapy & Laser Energetic Detoxification

    Laser Energetic Detoxification therapy is fast, powerful and gentle and can be beneficial to the most fragile and sensitive.  The LED is a highly effective rapid detoxification therapy and are theoretically related to the immediate effects of photon and light therapy on the physics of cellular function. The body’s ability to detox varies with each individual. If for any reason, your ability to detox is compromised, or you have a chronic illness, or have experienced traumatic events, and increased stress, your system is holding onto a lot of toxins.  Your internal terrain is polluted, and then creates an environment for pathogenic organisms to thrive and multiply.  Overlooking a toxic internal terrain will make it especially difficult to overcome pathogenic organisms. Wm. Lee Cowden, MD, with others, were integral in developing this specific system called laser energetic detoxification. This method shakes loose specific toxins within 25 hours so it can be more rapidly eliminated from the body through the body's primary detoxification organs such as the liver, lymphatics, kidneys, and large intestines.  This form of detox is very specific and systematic. How Does Laser Energetic Detoxification Work? During LED, a laser light passes through a clear glass vial of a homeopathic substance and sweeps the body so it can release and/or resolve substances that are contributing to inflammation, pain, allergies, infections, immune system disorders, and other conditions. Re-exposure to a substance in a concentrated form might require repeating a LED for that substance. For most individuals, 2-3 sessions are needed to experience a change.  Depending upon the individual, a session may need to be repeated at a later date. This type of detoxification appears to hold tremendous promise for those patients who are toxin overloaded and chronically ill because of the toxicity. Unlike pharmaceutical medicine, which works primarily by chemically blocking or stimulating biochemical pathways in the body, LED works on the quantum physical properties of the body. Also LED carries information into the cells of the body via photons (light) very similar to the bio-photons produced by each human cell. Fritz-Albert Popp, PhD and others have proven that bio-photons produced by human cells are responsible for information transfer between cells and tissues that regulates cell growth, cell differentiation, and biochemical activities (such as cellular detoxification). The person is tested for specific toxins such as pesticides, fungicides, toxic metals, solvents, chemicals, some toxic medications, mycotoxins, and bio-toxins, in their internal environment.  Key findings indicate whether the rapid laser detoxification would likely be helpful for the patient. Then these toxins must be eliminated as much as possible in order to clean up their internal terrain. For example, the presence of harmful sulfa drugs and toxins in the tissues prevents the affected person from being able to effectively take up into their tissues sulfur-containing nutrients and detoxification substances containing sulfur. The elimination of sulfa-based toxins, such as sulfites, sulfates can be essential for detoxification and recovery Another key finding is that many chronically ill patients develop autoimmune disorder because of man-made toxin such as pesticides, herbicides, solvents, or other chemicals. The immune system then identifies those toxins to the tissue or specific organs as being foreign. After that, the immune system continues to attack the altered cells in the tissues. The toxin(s) responsible for causing this type of auto-immune response can be identified with forms of energetic testing. The next highest priority for an LED treatment after identifying the auto-immunity from specific chemicals or pesticides is usually for heavy metals, especially the various forms of mercury. Mercury is held up by most parasites and certain other pathogens in the body. When these pathogens are killed, the mercury dumps back into the body and may need to be treated again. After all the mercury is effectively treated with LED and other oral supplements, other critical heavy metals are usually treated next. Then, after the heavy metals, other pesticides and herbicides not treated as part of the autoimmunity process usually take the next highest priority.  After the critical pesticides and herbicides are mobilized, formaldehyde and formic acid, benzene, xylene and toluene, PCB, phthalates, petroleum byproducts as well as other man-made toxins are considered. After that come mycotoxins and other bio-toxins, vaccine residuals and other pharmaceuticals may be mobilized. A special infrared light shining through the appropriate homeopathic vial, or a precision pulsed light emitting diode, or plasma lights can be used to help remove toxins from specific “stubborn” locations in the body. Red and infrared (RIR) light therapy can also substitute for neural therapy to target specific tissues or organs in the body. If an infrared light treatment is done before an LED on the areas of greatest inflammation (toxic focus) due to recent surgeries, recent injuries, or other trauma), the toxins from the LED is much more likely to thoroughly and completely pass through the entire body. If necessary, the infrared light therapy can be used to drive specific toxins out of that tissue or organ so that the patient may proceed with the next phase of detoxification. Sometimes an acute situation arises unassociated with an LED requiring treatment of a toxin, pathogen or both in a specific area of the body in which other forms of therapies may be implemented. It is still necessary to follow practitioner recommended supplemental botanicals, nutrients, and homeopathics to work synergistically with the LED. These will work together to bring improvement in a shorter period of time when combined with the LED therapy. Lymphatic therapy prior to an LED is usually recommended and additional lymphatic therapies may be necessary to consider.

  • Basic Foods Shopping Guide

    "Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food" - Hippocrates Note: These food suggestions are for the general population. Seek the advice of your practitioner for specific dietary needs and health challenges. Choose alkaline foods over acidic foods. The most common acid causing foods and drinks are sugars, red meats, breads, processed and artificially flavored foods and drinks. Green vegetables: 60-70% raw vegetables is ideal if tolerated, lightly steamed, or juiced green vegetables is ideal. Remember some of the unpopular greens such as mustard greens, collard greens, green chard, rainbow chard, dandelion greens, arugula, parsley, cilantro, celery, bok choy, sprouts. Fruits: Choose fruits lower in fructose such as lemons, limes, grapefruit, berries, pineapple, papaya, kiwi, avocados, and other fruits which are also a good source of anti-oxidants and enzymes. Eat organic as much as possible. Nuts, Seeds: Raw walnuts, flaxseeds, chia seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, almonds, macadamia, brazil nuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts for snacks if you have no allergies to these nuts. Also nut butters such as almond butter or sun-butter, and other nut butters made from these healthier nuts. Minimize pistachios and cashews. Avoid peanuts which have higher levels of fungi and mycotoxins, and which become allergenic to more people. Grains and Beans: Amaranth, millet, organic oats, black beans, yellow or orange lentils, colored rice such as red rice, purple rice, black rice, wild rice, and brown rice; minimize quinoa and chickpeas. Do your best to avoid wheat and glutens. Potatoes: Red, yellow, and purple potatoes, yams, and sweet potatoes are a healthier choice than white potatoes. Dairy: Non-dairy milk, homemade almond or other nut-milks, hemp milk, coconut milk are acceptable alternatives to animal dairy. If you tolerate milk, organic grass-fed heavy whipping cream reduces to fewer grams of sugar than whole milk. Occasional organic, grass-fed milk or goat milk is acceptable if there is no lactose intolerance. A2 milk might be an alternative for people with lactose sensitivities. Organic soft poached eggs, soft sunny-side up, or soft-boiled eggs are recommended over scrambled or fried eggs. Organic cheeses or hard cheeses from non-gmo fed animals such as imported irish cheeses, kerry gold, manchego sheep cheese or other imported raw hard cheeses from non-gmo fed animals. Alternative cheeses such as vegan gourmet cheese, rice cheeses are somewhat acceptable if they are free of chemical preservatives. Organic butter, imported Irish butter or other European butter, kerry gold, or grass-fed butter are a better choice. Seafood: Salmon, Copper River Salmon, halibut, bass, black cod/sablefish, rainbow trout, orange roughy, sardines, anchovies from cold water Atlantic, Icelandic or Norwegian waters are most beneficial. Wild caught fish contain fewer pesticides than most farm-raised fish. Small fish such as sardines from Norwegian waters carry less toxic metals and contaminants. Avoid or minimize consuming tuna and large fish because research has indicated that they contain much higher levels of mercury than small fish. Healthy oils: Olive oil may be used for salad dressings or consumed as a dietary oil and best consumed unheated (Fresh pressed olive oil, Solspring extra virgin biodynamic olive oil, Texas hill country olive oil, Spectrum organic extra virgin olive oil); MCT oil, coconut oil (raw, unrefined, organic), cod liver oil, walnut oil, flax oil, almond oil, saffron (red flower) oil, avocado oil, macadamia nut oils. Supplement with Nordic Naturals omegas on occasion. For high heat or all-temperature cooking: Avocado, sunflower or grapeseed oil, ghee. For moderate heat cooking: Organic butter or grass-fed imported butter, unroasted sunflower oil, unroasted sesame oil, and safflower oil may be used. Palm kernel oil may be used occasionally. Coconut oil or olive oil should only be used for cooking on very low heat if at all. AVOID canola oil as a vegetable oil because it is acquired from GMO rapeseed. Oil sprays contain chemicals that inhibit the endocrine glands. Read the ingredients. Meats: It is better for some to consume a higher percentage of greens and plant sourced foods along with the healthy fats from nuts, healthy oils, and avocados, especially if you have certain health challenges. Choose healthy fish, turkey, quail, chicken, game meats, over red meat such as beef. Healthier choice meats are wild game, grass fed meats, quail or turkey, or hormone-free, pasture raised chicken. If you choose to eat red meat, it is better eaten in smaller portions. If your diet is primarily meats, choose these healthier meat options. Sweeteners: 100% whole leaf stevia that is unprocessed is ideal. Consider other natural sweeteners such as monk fruit, lo han fruit, small amounts of raw un-processed natural honey, xylitol from birch tree, and organic maple syrup. Organic cane sugar, monk fruit, or brown sugar for baking may be used on occasions. Water: If you purchase bottled water, my favorite bottled waters are Icelandic, Rainfresh, Poland Spring Origin, Italian Still, Pellegrino, Central Market sparkling. Quality water filters may be purchased from Epic pure or nano filters, Clearly filtered water filters, Aquasana, or Mercola.

  • Emotions Trapped in Scars

    Very often when a person has an invasive procedure such as surgery or a trauma that results in a scar to the tissues, including contusive scars, without skin break, the emotions that were present at the moment of that event become trapped in the scar. When the scar is treated by mudding, German Neural Therapy, by laser therapy, or with percussion therapy, the client often experiences an emotional release. A person with numerous scars most likely has trapped emotions in those areas from the trauma. Thereby, when these scars are relieved, persons can experience a release of emotions as well. For example, in my experience when an abdominal surgical scar was treated by percussion therapy, the client had uncontrollable crying and trembling for nearly one hour. Another client who had neural therapy on a plastic surgery scar on her face started weeping and could not stop for several hours. This latter client had been told by her husband before the surgery that she was looking so old that she was no longer attractive to him. When a scar is treated by German Neural Therapy, the insertion of a needle into the scar tissue causes an additional trauma, both physically and sometimes emotionally. For this reason, I prefer to treat scars with a combination of percussion therapy followed by mudding, a clay therapy.

  • Fungal Infections

    There is fungi in food, mostly in wheat and grain products, and peanuts. There is a growing quantity of mold spores in the environment, more humid conditions and where there has been flooding. Borrelia and other bacteria and viruses (co-infections) can live in the mold while it is living in us. The mold must be eliminated in you before you will be successful in eliminating the other organisms. The toxins from molds can produce memory, mood disorders, uncontrolled emotions, tingling, numbness, and many other symptoms. When mold is present in a person’s system, it causes marcon-staph to form. This is a type of staph that occurs only in the sinus. It does not form mucus but a dry biofilm. This marcons causes depletion of melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH), vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), and vasopressin. Toxic mold grows much faster in an environment of high electromagnetic fields. The increasing levels of dirty electricity or EMF/EMR fuels the growth of certain strains of fungi and other micro-organisms. There has been research in Europe that has found a direct relationship with mold and electromagnetic radiation. Dr. Rau from Switzerland and Dr Klinghardt from Germany found that a mold plate produced hundred x’s more biotoxins and mold contaminants when it was exposed to high levels of electromagnetic radiation. Russian scientists found that EMR induces growth in a certain yeast strain. You can find articles about this from 2004 and 2002. A university in NYC did a study and found that certain types of fungi have the ability to use radioactivity as an energy source for growth. Mercury and heavy metals can also exacerbate the growth of mold. Plus when you are toxic with heavy metals, you become a resonating walking antenna and become more sensitive to EMF. Then any fungi in your system will have a very nice environment to grow faster. Not only do the artificially produced electromagnetic waves cause toxic mold to grow faster, they suppress the production of beneficial microbes which you need to counteract fungal overgrowth.

  • Energy Medicine

    A lot of people think that the study of energetic medicine came from Asia, such as acupuncture. But many other forms of energy medicine has its roots in Germany from Doctors Voll, Samuel Hahnemann, and Alfred Fritz-Popp, the most popular names. It is more a science of physics rather than biology and chemistry. Energy medicine is evaluating the electrical flows of the body and using frequencies, acupuncture, photon, laser therapies, color, light, sound therapies, and other tools to effect the bio-chemical systems in the body. Simply put, energy medicine is recognizing that the thousands of electrical circuits that run through our body is directly connected to the biological and chemical systems in our body. According to Dr. Fritz-Popp, our bodies are more energy-dominant than chemical dominant. People may have a chemical imbalance. But the electrical functions of the cells dictate these chemical processes. Dr. Fritz Popp showed the link of biology and physics and that our cells have resonating frequencies that emit electromagnetic waves. And each of the cells communicate with each other with these frequency waves. All matter is energy. Every living organism emits their own frequencies. Energy is all around us. Electricity is energy. The sun emits both heat and energy. Lightning is a powerful bolt of light and energy. In relation to our bodies, all our cells carry a voltage. We have positive and negative ions, a positive and negative charge. Every electron, atom, molecule, and cellular structure is electrical and communicates with each other. Think of the wire circuits that powers on a light bulb. That light bulb would not turn on if it was not connected to the wires that are connected to the outlet connected to those wires that are connected to the power box and so on. Those alive wires have electricity flowing through them to power on that light bulb. Diseased tissue emits their own frequencies. When the body is in a state of weakness or disease, there are cells and organs functioning electrically at a very low voltage because there are blocks or dysfunctions in the circuitry. Then toxins accumulate where the blocked energy is, and where there are toxins, pathogens or unhealthy microorganisms accumulate where the toxins accumulated. This was Louis Pasteur and Antoine Bechamp’s theory back in the 1800’s. In relation to our psyche, our belief systems emit powerful energy. Our thoughts carry energy. Our emotions send out energy. Sometimes you don’t have to say anything and a person can feel the energy that is emoting out of you. The Center for Holistic Healing applies various forms of energy medicine in its evaluation and implements the most modern day research and equipment available for the best results.

  • What is Naturopathy?

    Naturopathy is considered a non-invasive healthcare and health assessment in which neither surgery nor drugs are used. Education, counseling, natural modalities and substances are used such as, homeopathic preparations, foods, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, digestive aids, botanicals, herbs, air, water, heat, cold, sound, light, magnetic or frequency, and energy modalities such as acupuncture, homeopathy, bodywork, exercise, lymphatic therapy, and others to re-balance the system. Historically, theories and philosophies of naturopathy was derived from a number of doctors, chemists, and priests in Europe which dates back from the 1500’s- to the early 1900’s. They combined osteopathy, diet and nutrition, and homeopathy with a holistic view of healing. Their philosophy was to treat the patient, not the disease. Regarding genetics, I would add, look at the person, not their genetics. Consider their genomics rather than their genetics. In the early 1900’s, Lust brought the philosophy of naturopathy and homeopathy to United States and coined the term, Naturopath, to mean “the nature cure” since he could not use other words such as cure, healing, therapy, therapist, physician, or doctor. He opposed processing foods and pharmaceuticals because they were not natural and the human body could not assimilate them as they should. Alternative medicine is the belief that there is more to treating a disease than managing its patho-physiology. After Louis Pasteur discovered the germ theory and penicillin, his predecessor, Antoine Béchamp, believed that the primary cause of disease was not the germ, but rather an internal environment out of balance. His theory was that everything begins within us. When our internal environment is clean and green, disease cannot exist. An accumulation of toxicities and an acidic internal environment increases the risk for disease. The goal of holistic modalities is to relieve symptoms, clean up the person’s internal environment and remove or at least lessen other external factors stressing the body. Doing this will change the acid and alkaline balance in the body so the body pH is not acidic since an acidic environment increases the risk for micro-organisms and makes a person more susceptible to infections. Micro-organisms themselves produce waste products that make the body more acidic, which then contributes to symptoms of inflammation and pain. I see chronic infection or other diseases as the symptom of an underlying problem, not the problem itself. It could be poor nutrition, an imbalanced micro-biome, toxicity, dental foci,

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