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  • Near Infrared Sauna

    EXPERIENCE ANTI-AGING. DETOXIFICATION AT THE CELLULAR LEVEL. IMPROVED HEALING RESPONSES. PAIN RELIEF. SKIN REJUVENATION. CELLULITE REDUCTION. WEIGHT LOSS. STRESS REDUCTION. IMMUNE BOOSTING. IMPROVED MENTAL CLARITY. LONGEVITY. MITOCHONDRIAL STIMULATION. TISSUE OXYGENATION. Experience a Near-Infrared Sauna and book a session! Contact: Why choose our Near Infrared Sauna over a Far Infrared Sauna? Our NIR Sauna bulbs provide a broad spectrum emission of visible light, Near-Infrared, Mid-Infrared, and some Far-Infrared light. The NIR Sauna provides a therapeutic color spectrum of red, orange, yellow, and near infrared light producing a full-spectrum infrared light to mimic natural sunlight but without the harmful UV and blue light. The sauna is housed in an EMF-Shielded faraday tent to block out environmental Electro-Magnetic Fields while you are in the sauna, thereby relaxing the nervous system. The near-infrared sauna is integrated with a grounding mat to protect you from the wired circuits in the room to simulate the benefit of earthing therapy while you are in the sauna. The NIR Sauna provides MORE than just detoxification! It is beneficial for skin healing and collagen production, the immune system and stem cell activation for anti-aging and brain-derived neurotrophic factors (BDNF). The NIR sauna facilitates the transport of oxygen into the body tissues, thereby improving tissue oxygenation. It also helps reduce inflammation to joints and muscles, stimulate blood flow, induces sweating and toxins and heavy metal detoxification, circulation and cardiovascular fitness, nitric oxide production and athletic endurance, acute and chronic infections, improved insulin sensitivity, muscle relaxation, and a reduction in cortisol stress hormones with endorphin release and neurological benefits. Near Infrared light improves cellular healing and energy compared to far infrared emitters alone. The NIR Sauna simultaneously combines photon light therapy (photobiomodulation) with heat therapy (heat shock protein amplification) to heat your body from the inside out so your body sweats faster and more comfortably. Far infrared emitters makes the ambient air hot and stifling if you are breathing in the hot air. The NIR Sauna penetrates deeper into tissue. NASA has confirmed NIR light penetrates tissues up to 9 inches into the body reaching internal organs. Far infrared alone, only penetrates about 1.5 inches into the body. Many far infrared saunas that provide infrared light also tend to emit toxic high EMF’s. But the “low EMF” far infrared saunas perform more like “heat and sweat” saunas without the benefit of enough therapeutic infrared light.

  • Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy -HBOT

    Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy -HBOT 1.3 ATA (4 psi) operating pressure Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT). This therapy involves breathing in pure oxygen in a pressurized chamber, which allows oxygen to dissolve in the body's fluids and tissues at a higher rate. This medical use of oxygen in a pressurized environment allows for oxygen to saturate the blood plasma and increase the absorption of oxygen levels to all organs of the body by 28-40% while passively lying in the chamber for about 60 minutes. Every cell in our body requires oxygen to create energy, for cellular function, for regeneration and to help prevent pre-mature aging. Illness from toxins and pathogens competes for the oxygen that healthy cells need. This is why stressors of any type causes a decrease in the ability to absorb oxygen into the blood, which can result in decreased oxygenation to the tissues. Proper detoxification creates space for the absorption of oxygen to the cells and tissues with oxygen therapy. Then the oxygen can better regenerate and heal the tissue that has been broken down from toxins and pathogens. Stressors common to everyone are man-made chemicals, insecticides, pesticides, toxic metals, radioactive substances, electro-pollution, disease-causing pathogens, and psyche-emotional stress. Pressurized oxygen from HBOT helps stimulate stem cells to repair and regenerates cells and soft tissues, especially after an individual clears out enough toxic garbage through effective detoxification methods such as light & frequency therapies for detoxification, the near infrared sauna, supportive detox supplements, and lymphatic drainage. Another advantage of our HBOT program is the promotion of wound healing. The increased oxygenation provided by HBOT can help speed up the healing process for wounds and injuries, including those related to surgery. HBOT creates an excess reservoir of oxygen to improve mitochondrial function, supplying the body with the oxygen nutrient necessary for cellular performance and energy production. The pressurized oxygen generates a larger pressure gradient so that when you breathe, you have greater gas exchange to increase the oxygen levels to the cells. The excess reservoir of oxygen helps reduce inflammation, oxidative stress and free-radical damage, thus improving mitochondrial function and stimulating the stem cells to repair and regenerate tissue. HBOT improves the recovery phase of perfusion-related injuries such as stroke and MI’s and helps regenerate soft tissue from radiation burns, wounds and certain infections. During an acute infection, the recovery process improves by increasing the activation of the white blood cells to help the body fight the infection with higher levels of oxygen. HBOT is supportive for additional conditions such as osteonecrosis, osteomyelitis, gangrene, certain diabetic neuropathies with non-healing wounds, plus neurological issues. The increased oxygenation provided by HBOT can help speed up the healing process for wounds and injuries, including those related to surgery. Our HBOT program can also support brain function and mental health. The increased oxygenation can promote the growth of new blood vessels in the brain, which can improve cognitive function and memory. Additionally, HBOT has been shown to be beneficial for patients with anxiety and depression. An HBOT program can also support brain function and mental health. The increased oxygenation can promote the growth of new blood vessels in the brain, which can improve cognitive function and memory. Additionally, HBOT has been shown to be beneficial for patients with anxiety and depression. It is suggested to go through a detoxification program FIRST before the HBOT to create space for the pressurized oxygen to more readily and effectively enter the cells without discomfort. Contact the Center for Holistic Healing to explore the most effective detoxification program tailored to your needs! Dr. Thomas Seyfried, Boston College and Dominic D'Agostino advocates hyperbaric oxygen therapy to be done a minimum of 2 hours per week.

  • Frequency Therapy & Electrical Medicine

    One of the innovative modalities offered at the Center for Holistic Healing is frequency technologies that can be used to strengthen and stimulate organ systems, mobilize toxins to better eliminate out of the body, and to weaken or eradicate disease-producing pathogens. Chronic inflammation is a contributing factor to many chronic diseases. One of the significant advantages of our use of frequencies is the reduction in inflammation throughout the body. This promotes healing and can be beneficial for a wide range of health conditions. Bioenergetic medicine is a field of treatment that applies the concept of energy flows within the body and the theory that imbalances or blockages in these flows can lead to disease or dysfunction. This understanding is typically rooted in traditional Eastern medicinal practices, such as acupuncture or Qi Gong, which have long held the belief that our physical bodies are tied to a complex system of energy. Objects and living organisms respond to frequencies. The body as a whole, each cell, molecule, tissue, and organ carries its own vibrational frequencies. The body has an entire symphony of frequencies interacting with each other and responding to other frequencies. This interaction of frequencies plays a vital role in the orchestration of health or illness in the human body. An analogy can be used of a pure, resonating pitch that shatters a glass. Electrical medicine is a science of using light and frequencies as a method for healing. Just like the biological systems in the body such as the circulatory, respiratory, lymphatic, nervous system, endocrine, and digestive system, every individual has an electrical system or circuitry that runs throughout the body, including the brain. Multiple factors can cause disruption, blockage, or congestion to the electrical system’s flow of energy. Factors which can cause disruption, blockage, or congestion to this flow of energy could be contributed by various toxins, pathogens, physical trauma, and psyche-emotional traumas. There are various therapeutic systems and modalities which affect our electrical systems. Therapeutic modalities include the use of monochromatic colors, light and frequencies for detoxification, light and frequencies for organ and tissue support and strengthening, light and frequencies for detoxification, or pathogen destruction or weakening. A Rife and Tesla frequency device is well known to carry out this method of electrical medicine. The most reliable, cutting-edge tools and modern-day frequency technology has been produced from Eastern Europe by Pulsed Technologies & BioEnergetics to bring the finest in resonant frequency and precision pulsed plasma technology. This technology operates without the emission of radio frequencies to provide a safe method for optimal health and wellness.

  • Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation

    Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) is a simple application that safely delivers very small electrical micro-currents to enhance, amplify, activate, recharge, or inhibit select neural pathways and areas in the brain. The positive and negative flow of electrons are used to either excite an area of the brain or inhibit or slow down an area of the brain. The trans-cranial direct current stimulation uses micro-currents to “activate” or “recharge’’ the muscles of the brain – exercising those areas of the brain that may atrophy or already has atrophied. Unlike neuro-feedback, which retrains the brain, the tDCS exercises the muscles of the brain. Simply put, it will exercise those areas of the brain that are under-stimulated or slow down areas of the brain that are over-stimulated. Its use can be beneficial to rehabilitate or repair neurological injuries, enhance motor and speech functions, inhibit pain, relieve anxiety, depression, PTSD, addictions, cravings, and symptoms of ADD/ADHD, enhance memory, accelerate learning and other cognitive functions. Regular use has shown long term repair and improvement in the selected activities. Consider Trans-cranial Direct Current Stimulation as a method to enhance the physical brain’s function. Contact the Center for Holistic Healing for more information.

  • Allergies & Food Sensitivities

    “All disease begins in the gut.” ― Hippocrates We implement appropriate detoxification methods for environmental sensitivities and allergies. Herbals, homeopathics, or bioenergetic therapies help relieve symptoms associated with allergies and food sensitivities. Food sensitivities may be associated with complaints of fatigue, abdominal discomfort, bloating, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting, depression, anxiety/panic attacks, brain fog, dizziness, passing out, rash, itching, runny nose, nasal congestion, belching, gassiness, bitter or sour taste in the mouth, burning in the chest area, arrhythmias, wheezing, asthma. We use the Galvanic skin response testing with the Zyto system which assesses autonomic nervous system stress response in order to gather specific data. This form of bio-energetic testing indicates the nervous system’s reaction to different informational frequency stressors, be it allergens to inhalants or other “sensitivities”, toxins, microbes and various other physical and emotional factors. The bio-energetic food sensitivity screening with the Zyto may miss a very small percentage of food sensitivities but has an approximate 85% rate of accuracy. The quantum galvanic skin response is an effective tool to determine food sensitivities (those foods causing an autonomic stress reaction in the body). The most commonly used blood test for food allergens is the IgG-4. This IgG-4 screening does not test for acute anaphylactic nor certain delayed reactions to foods, which might cause a physiological inflammatory response in some people. Most people being conventionally tested for food allergies do not get tested for food allergy reactions associated with IgG-1, IgG-2, IgG-3, IgA, IgD, IgE nor cell-mediated reactions, which would provide much more data than the IgG-4 test alone. Two tests that do measure a larger number of reactions are the Enzyme-linked Immuno-Sorbent Assay (ELISA) test and the Food Immune Complex Assay (FICA) test. Both offer the convenience and accuracy of measuring some of these other types of allergy reactions, while costing significantly less than RAST and skin prick tests, which test only for IgE reactions. Most all allergy tests are associated with some degree of error. Even ELISA and FICA tests are no better than about 85% accurate. False positives and missed allergic foods are a common occurrence on most tests, so the gold standard for uncovering allergen sensitivities is the two-week elimination diet with Coca pulse testing. As an adjunct form of testing, we may use autonomic response testing or applied kinesiology to find and prioritize stressed organs and structures, emotional blocks, heavy metal toxicity and other related problems and prioritize appropriate therapies to relieve the histamine response from environmental allergens or food sensitivities.

  • CANCER - Disease or Solution?

    "A Merry Heart Doeth Good Like A Medicine" - Proverbs A cancer cell is a normal, healthy cell that has undergone genetic mutation to the point that it can live in an anaerobic surrounding (an environment where oxygen is not available). In other words, if you deprive a group of cells of vital oxygen (their primary source of energy), some of them will die, but others will manage to alter their genetic software program and mutate in a most ingenious way: the cells will be able to live without oxygen and derive some of their energy needs from such things as cellular metabolic waste products. Cancer occurs after other defenses or healing mechanisms in the body have failed. In extreme circumstances, exposure to large amounts of cancer-producing agents (carcinogens) can bring about a collapse of the body's defenses rapidly which allows for rapid and aggressive growth of a cancerous tumor. But usually it takes many years, or decades for "malignant" tumors to form. We deal with the root causes of cancer. Cancer indicates that there is something missing in our body and probably in life as a whole – spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically. An effective plan of care for cancer is achievable when the causes of excessive growth of cancer cells have been removed or stopped. Effective treatment for cancer requires the patient to become whole again on all levels of his spirit, soul, body. Therefore, a thorough exploration of the spirit-soul-body and its relationship to cancer provides a more effective plan of care for an individual diagnosed with cancer. Spiritual health plays an important role in cancer as does physical and emotional health. How do we support the individual's spirit-soul-body? Spiritual: Explore an individual's belief systems and perception of the “word” cancer. Discover their belief or unbelief in a higher power source which affects their level of mental and emotional stress. Uncover subconscious beliefs that could be contributing to illness. Mental-Emotional: Explore the state of their emotions and mental health. We explore the root causes and identify whether the individual may either live life in a nourishing and self-sustaining way or in a destructive and debilitating way. Toxic emotions might be resentment, anger, and fear. Constant conflicts, guilt, shame, self-deprecation can paralyze the body's basic functions and lead to the growth of cancer. Assist the individual to unveil unresolved conflicts that are stuck in the deep recesses of the mind. Some of them are inherited and thereby unconscious and imbedded in the cell memory. Identify if the individual feels burdened by some poor self-image, unresolved conflict and worries, or past emotional trauma that still lingers in his/her subconscious. Cancer, the physical disease, cannot occur unless there is a strong undercurrent of emotional uneasiness and deep-seated frustration. Cancer patients typically suffer from lack of self-respect or worthiness, and often have unresolved conflicts or "unfinished business". Cancer can actually be a way of revealing the source of such inner conflict. Some people, under severe temporary stress make more cancer cells than usual and form clusters of cancerous cells that disappear again once they feel better. Secretions of the DNA's anticancer drug, Interleukin II, drop under physical and mental duress and increase again when relaxed and joyful. Thereby, could many cancers vanish without any form of medical intervention and without causing any real harm? This is a question to consider. Physical: Physical toxins accumulate with a harmful life-style of eating fast foods with chemical additives and artificial sweeteners, or drinking polluted water. The cause of the death of healthy cell tissue results from the continued deprivation of nutrients and happy emotions. The drastic reduction or shutdown of vital nutrient supplies to the cells of an organ is not just a consequence of cancer, but actually its biggest cause. Pathogens or myco-bacterial feces can get into the tissues and produce enough toxic debris that the cells of the tissues transform into cancerous tumors. Treatments like chemotherapy and radiation destroy many cancerous cells, but they also destroy healthy cells, damaging entire organs and systems in the body. Cures for cancer should not occur at the expense of destroying other vital parts of the body. We can use scanning devices such as the zyto to collect data for toxic overload and food sensitivities and the thermogram to identify stressed or inflamed organs and tissues. Labwork and allopathic diagnostic scans are helpful. We implement methods to clear the body of toxins, carcinogenic substances, and metabolic waste from the lymph and blood with specific detoxification therapies, nutritional support, dietary guidelines, lymphatic therapies, and psyche-emotional therapies.. Some exceptional psyche-emotional therapies are prayer, art therapy, EVOX, a form of sound therapy and Recall Healing, a German New Medicine developed by Ryke Hamer, MD. These therapies help to uncover and release sub-conscious blocks and conflicts contributing to illness. The goal is to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins and waste products, and to help clear the individual of toxic beliefs, toxic thought patterns, and toxic emotions. “It's more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has.” - Hippocrates Questions we might ask ourselves and ask the individual: · What is the spiritual journey and lesson behind cancer? · Will cancer help restore balance to your life? Or is cancer a death sentence and cause severe trauma and suffering? We see it as a matter of perspective. · Do you believe cancer is a disease? Or is cancer a mechanism of survival to bring to surface an unresolved conflict? · If cancer is a survival mechanism, what needs to be done to prevent the body from taking recourse to such drastic defense measures? - What roles do fear, frustration, low self-worth and repressed anger play in the origination and outcome of cancer? · What reasons coerce your body into developing cancer cells? · What determines the type and severity of cancer with which you are afflicted? · Why would the body permit self-destruction? · Why do many cancers disappear by themselves without medical intervention? · Do radiation, chemotherapy and surgery actually cure cancer, or do cancer survivors heal due to other reasons, despite these radical, side-effect-loaded treatments? If cancer is a healing attempt by the body for the body. Blocking this healing attempt can destroy the body. Let us support the individual holistically in spirit-soul-body. Adapted from: "Cancer is not a Disease - It's a Survival Mechanism" by Andreas Moritz “Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation” ( The German New Medicine by Ryke Hamer, MD "Pyramid of Health" by Gilbert Renaud, PhD "The Biology of Belief" by Bruce Lipton, PhD

  • Art & Music Therapy

    “The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.” - Pablo Picasso “It is the special province of music to move the heart.” - Johann Sebastian Bach Through the expression of art and music, people experience hope and healing for themselves and for others. Studies have shown that art heals by changing a person's physiology and attitude. Art and music change the body's physiology from stress and fear to relaxation and inspiration. Art and music affect a person's brain wave patterns, hormonal balance, neurotransmitters, autonomic nervous system, sympathetic nervous system, immune system and blood flow to organs. Neuro-physiologists have found that art, music, sound, tones, dance, prayer, and healing are associated with similar brain wave patterns and mind body changes, which are deeply connected in feeling and meaning. Art and music change a person's perceptions and outlook on life, attitude, emotional state and help people with life challenges. Artistic expression can be a means of personal transformation, physical, emotional and spiritual healing. “Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.” - Thomas Merton “Without art, the crudeness of reality would make the world unbearable.” - George Bernard Shaw “Art is not a handicraft, but the transmission of feeling the artist has experienced.” - Leo Tolstoy "Parting of the Sea"

  • Optimal Lifestyle Suggestions

    "Walking is man's best medicine" - Hippocrates Note: These are basic suggestions for the general population. Water: Drink purified room temperature water - 50 ounces of water for every 100 lbs of body weight over 24 hours is recommended. Water filters are recommended. Choose quality water filters such as Epic pure or nano filters, Aquasana, Clearly filtered, Mercola, or a reputable reverse osmosis systems. If you purchase bottled water, favorite bottled waters are Icelandic, Rainfresh, Poland Spring Origin, Italian Still, Pellegrino, Central Market sparkling. Avoid bottled water in thin “crunchy” plastics because they leach higher contents of phthalates and other chemicals into the water Sunshine:  If weather permits, absorb 15-20min of sunlight to skin every day without sunscreen to >50% of uncovered skin surface to absorb natural Vitamin D. Supplement with Vitamin D3 when you are not absorbing natural sunlight. Quality Vitamin D3 supplements are available from Cooking utensils:  Ceramic cookware is ideal. Glass cookware and the heavier stainless steel such as 360 cookware, and an occasional use of cast iron skillets are acceptable. Avoid cooking with plastic, aluminum, Teflon, and Silverstone non-stick cookware. More health tips: Exercise at 2-4x weekly as tolerated. Remove metal jewelry from the body at bedtime. Do NOT charge a cell phone by your bed. Place the cell phone on airplane mode if it is not needed during the night, or place the phone in an EMF faraday bag. Turn off the wi-fi while you are sleeping or least place an EMF cover over your wi-fi unit. You may plug it into a wall-timer so it automatically switches off when you go to bed and back on when you need it. A VitaSet Generator (VSG) helps mitigate harmful affects of electro-pollution and high frequency electro-magnetic fields (EMF) that stresses the body and the brain. Send a request to Women - wear non-underwire bras. Implement oil pulling oral hygiene every morning. Refer to article on "Oil Pulling". Avoid personal care products for the teeth, hair, and skin that contain sodium lauryl sulfates (SLS), fluoride, aluminum, mineral oil, lead, petroleum, to name a few.

  • Voice Mapping - Sound Healing

    Trauma is stored in the body and the subconscious. This trauma influences a persons impulses and personalities, fears and addictions, negative thoughts and emotions. Voice mapping is a form of cognitive biofeedback using sound frequencies to release the traumas that have been stored in the cells of the body and the subconscious. Voice mapping was developed by Calvin Young, who based his work on the research of early sound healers such as Alfred Tomatis and Edwards. Using a technology called the EVOX helps facilitate this voice mapping. A combination of sounds in the voice are recorded, analyzed and then sound frequencies are fed back to the person. The sound frequencies from the person's voice are influenced by buried memories, mental and emotional stressors. These frequencies stimulate and then balance a relevant memory and muscle connection which affects the sound frequencies coming from the vocal chords. Voice Mapping analyzes the sound frequencies in a person’s voice for missing frequencies which correlate to blocked or unacknowledged emotions related to a certain person, event, or task. Missing sound frequencies from the voice are identified and played back to the person. These sound frequencies facilitate subconscious releases in the brain that trigger certain responses in behavior and in the physical body and can thereby be helpful in fighting chronic health or behavior problems. Toxic emotions bind chemicals and toxins in the body and inhibit, to a degree, the release of these toxins through the body’s natural detoxification pathways. Thereby, when emotional blocks are released, the body’s cells, tissues, and organs function more optimally. Early in life we subconsciously create complex mechanisms to protect us from early traumatic and stressful experiences. These subconscious mechanisms function as coping skills that help us endure and survive difficult events and chronically painful conditions throughout our lives. If the brain is storing a memory connected to stress and trauma, that memory may be causing an imbalance in the body. That imbalance is a contributing factor to current behavioral, emotional, and physical challenges. During this biofeedback process, you may recall forgotten memories, experience strong emotional releases, and realize insights that can help you break free of rigid thinking, unresolved grief, anger, or other buried emotions that keep you stuck in repetitive life patterns or illness. Working with the frequencies in a person’s voice, the EVOX is a highly effective biofeedback process, helping to change negative beliefs and attitudes about oneself, others, events, and also helps to quickly resolve anger, phobias, grief, etc. The EVOX is a tool to facilitate the release of emotional and mental blocks and is also beneficial for students and athletes who are looking to overcome specific challenges and improve performance.


    “If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health.” ― Hippocrates ***These are suggestions for the general population. Seek the advice of your practitioner for specific dietary needs and health challenges. Enzyme rich foods: Papaya, pineapple, kimchi, sauerkraut or other fermented vegetables, Kiwi, blueberries, avocado, mango, green vegetables, bitter vegetables such as arugula, brussel sprouts, dandelion, kale, endive; Banana, mango, papaya, and grapes are to be eaten in moderation since they are higher in fructose. Green Juice Drinks Choose 3 or more of the following ingredients to run through a Juicer. Kale – lacinto, green, red Mustard greens, collard greens, green chard, rainbow chard, dandelion greens Spinach, Parsley, Cilantro, Celery, Cucumber, bok choy, etc. Red beets in moderation Carrots in moderation Fruits suggestions: pineapple, granny smith apple, lemon, lime, kiwi, berries, mango, papaya, peach, avocado These are suggestions for green drinks. 3/4 of the ingredients are greens approximately and 1/4 of the ingredients are fruits. Beets and carrots are in moderation. They contain more grams of fructose than green vegetables. Add water to dilute as desired. Be Creative! Just remember to use a ratio of more greens than fruits! Smoothies: Make a smoothie simply by adding 1 or more of the following ingredients into your green drink: almond milk, hemp milk, hemp seeds, chia seeds, flax seeds, sprouted seeds, sesame seeds, avocado, only 1/4 banana to thicken Optional: 1 TBSP powdered protein or collagen powder of choice for additional protein Quality supplemental protein and collagen powder is available from Optional: grated/shaved ice, whole leaf stevia or honey to taste Be creative! Almond Milk 1 Cup Almonds (Soak 24 hours and blend thoroughly into a puree with water until smooth Lemon Ginger Drink 1 peeled lemon 1 Apple 1 finger fresh ginger 1 cucumber as desired 1 bunch celery 1 bunch cilantro 1 bunch parsley 1 bunch fresh mint Juice all ingredients and add water to dilute as desired Sore Throat Hot Tea 1 chopped lemon with rind 1-2 fingers of freshly chopped ginger 1 tsp of honey to taste (manuka or raw local) Place ingredients in a mug and pour boiled water over ingredients and let it simmer. Sip this hot lemon-ginger tea slowly throughout the day for a sore throat. You may make this several times per day. ***Contact your practitioner as needed

  • Chromotherapy

    The Center for Holistic Healing incorporates color into many of our protocols. COLOR Therapy has long been shown to relax the frontal lobe of the brain where a person’s emotions are primarily housed. COLOR Therapy using colored therapy glasses or colored LED lights helps ‘loosen’ resistant emotions within a persons psyche and relax the nervous system that tends to grasp hold of specific toxins. Some toxins become resistant to mobilizing out of cells so it becomes difficult for the body to excrete them through its primary detoxification organs. This makes color therapy useful when used simultaneously with other detoxification protocols. COLOR carries specific frequencies or wave lengths that trigger a response in the brain, nervous system and other organs in the body. Color and body correlations include but are not limited to: BLUE - central nervous system and sympathetic nervous system, thyroid, pineal, head region; calming, cooling, inflammation, throat chakra 5 VIOLET and PURPLE - pineal-pituitary glands, the brain and eyes; chakras 6 and 7 INDIGO - neck, mouth, nose, and teeth; emotional expression TURQUOISE - lungs and thymus, trachea and esophagus, chakra 5 GREEN – liver, gallbladder meridians, the tonsils and lymphatics, heart and spleen, pituitary, thymus, muscular system, heart, lungs, breasts, upper extremities; swelling, edema, drainage, decongestion, inflammation, heart chakra 4 YELLOW-ORANGE - pancreas, stomach, intestines, bones, joints; production of melatonin, a sleep hormone; solar plexus chakra 3 YELLOW - kidneys and bladder, pancreas, adrenals, solar plexus chakra 3 RED - blood, reproductive organs, small intestines and bladder, adrenals, sensory nervous systems (sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell), circulation, immune system, lower extremities, skin; burns, root chakra 1 MAGENTA – heart AMBER – lymphatics, pancreas, digestion, liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, intestines, solar plexus chakra 3

  • Your Body’s Internal Environment

    Analogy reference. Wm. Lee Cowden MD The chronically ill human body is like a bathtub full of dirty water full of toxins and/or pathogens overflowing out of the tub. All the dirty water overflowing out of the bathtub represents symptoms of disease. At the top of the bathtub there is a faucet running dirty water into the bathtub. These dirty water faucets represent polluted inhaled air, nutrient-depleted foods eaten (that are toxic from steroids, pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, heavy metals, partially hydrogenated oils, etc.), toxic heavy metals, toxic relationships, toxic conscious and sub-conscious emotions, electro-magnetic pollution, radioactive substances, etc. There is also a faucet running clean water into the bathtub. This faucet can either be completely turned off or barely dripping into the tub. All the drains at the bottom of the bathtub (representing the detox mechanisms of the bowel, liver, kidney, lymph) are plugged up, preventing the dirty water from draining out of the bathtub. The clean water faucet represents fresh air, purified water, good foods and vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other nutrients, sunshine, exercise, relaxation, good relationships, peace, joy, love, the will to live and a purpose in life. In order to stop the dirty water from overflowing, and to progressively lower the level of dirty water in the bathtub, one must open up the drains at the bottom of the bathtub by enhancing the detox mechanisms of the body and turn down or off as many of the dirty water faucets as possible while, at the same time, opening wide the clean water faucets at the top of the bathtub. In doing these things, not only does the level of the dirty water go down, but the water becomes cleaner and cleaner so that, eventually, the bottom of the bathtub can be seen. This analogy represents complete wellness, not just the absence of symptoms. Our plan of care considers the spiritual well-being, mental- emotional and physical well-being of the individual. Naturopathic modalities include but are not limited to, education and counseling on foods, exercise, non-medical physical therapies such as lymphatic therapy, bodywork, sound, light, electro-magnetic and bio-energetic therapies. Beneficial supplementation and homeopathic preparations are included in a plan of care to help stimulate, promote, and maintain the individual’s whole body function and its self-healing processes. Our plan of care considers the spiritual well-being, mental-emotional and physical well-being of the individual. Naturopathic modalities include but is not limited to, education and counseling on foods, exercise, non-medical physical therapies such as lymphatic therapy, non-manipulative bodywork, sound, light, electro-magnetic and bio-energetic therapies. Included are beneficial supplementation and homeopathic preparations to help stimulate, promote, and maintain the individual’s whole-body function and its self-healing processes.

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